Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

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Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 03.12.2015 11:10

Yksi lähestymistapa painovoiman ymmärtämiseen ja hallintaan on tutkia järjestelmällisesti ja avoimin mielin niiden tutkijoiden töitä, jotka ovat sen saavuttaneet.

Tässä joitain merkittäviä luonnontutkijoita ja keksijöitä, jotka ovat onnistuneet kumoamaan painovoimaa.

Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 10.12.2015 13:22

jussik5 kirjoitti:Granderilta jännä lausuma:
We should bear in mind that our Mother Earth herself is a living being. And this is why high and low tides are not a consequence of the lunar influence, but the consequence of the Earth’s respiration.

Jes! Nyt tämäkin arvoitus ratkesi aivan sattumalta magneettien välisten voimien uudenlaisen tulkinnan yhteydessä. Lyhyestä virsi kaunis: Painovoiman voi tulkita eräänlaiseksi avaruuden paineeksi, jolla on sitä välittävät hiukkaset, jotka reagoivat magneettikenttään. Kun painovoimasta ajattelee päinvastoin kuin yleensä, se on ennemminkin työntövoimaa kuin vetovoimaa.
Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja jussik5 » 10.12.2015 19:20

The Russell
Genaro-Radiative Concept
The Cyclic Theory of Continuous Motion
Vuodelta 1926
ja siitä kuvakaappaus

"Jos tietäisit 3, 6 ja 9 suuremmoisuuden, sinulla olisi avain universumiin"
Nikola Tesla
Site Admin
Viestit: 1295
Liittynyt: 16.09.2009 17:43

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 11.12.2015 13:22

Kiitos! Walter Russellin visioista voi saada hyviä vinkkejä.

Onko painovoima vetovoimaa vai työntövoimaa on lopultakin näkökulmakysymys.

Vapaasti ajateltuna ilmakehän matalapaine vetää puoleensa ilmamassoja korkeapainealueelta ja toisaalta korkeapainealue työntää ilmamassoja kohti matalapainetta. Kyseessä on sama asia, mutta näkökulmasta riippuen se näyttäytyy joko vetovoimana tai työntövoimana.

Russellin piirrokseen viitaten sekä gravitatiivisen että repulsiivisen liikkeen voi siten tulkita joko työntövoimaksi tai vetovoimaksi.

Mikä kuvassa on mielenkiintoista, se nostaa esiin gravitaatioon ja säteilyyn liittyvien sähköisten voimien ympyräpolarisaation. Säteily liittyy mahdollisesti sähkön induktiiviseen aaltoliikkeeseen (poikittaisiin Hertsiaaltoihin) ja gravitaatio sähkön dielektriseen aaltoliikkeeseen (pitkittäisiiin Tesla-aaltoihin).

Tutkitaan ympyräpolarisaatiota hieman tarkemmin ja rajataan tutkimusalue konventionaaliseen sähkömagneettiseen aaltoliikkeeseen.

Oikean käden ympyräpolarisoitunut valoaalto muodostaa samansuuntaisen spiraalin kuin perinteinen ruuvikierre, joka on tehty oikealla kädellä väännettäväksi. Samaan suuntaan kiertyvät myös alfa- ja beeta-dna molekyylit, sekä valtaosa maan simpukoista ja männyistä.

Vasemman käden ympyräpolarisoitunut valoaalto muodostaa puolestaan samansuuntaisen spiraalin kuin z-dna molekyylit ja aminohapot, jotka muodostavat proteiineja.

Luonnossa ympyräpolarisaation merkitys on yllättävän monimuotoinen ja siihen liittyen voi löytää monia tutkimuksia, jos aihe kiinnostaa.

Radiotaajuiset ympyräpolarisaatioantennit ovat niiden pitkistä aallonpituuksista johtuen silmin nähtäviä, mutta korkeammilla taajuuksilla antennit voivat olla niin pieniä, ettei niitä voi paljain silmin nähdä. Tässä pari esimerkkiä teknologiasta ja elävästä luonnosta.

Myös kaviteettien ja materiaalien erilaisten ominaisuuksien avulla voi tuottaa ympyräpolarisoituneita aaltoja.

Focus: Giving Light a Spin


Jatketaan tutkimuksia.
Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja siviili2003 » 11.12.2015 20:17

Grebennikovin lentovehkeen ampiaisen siipirakenne varmaankin hyödyntää juuri tätä ympyräpolarisaatiota
Viestit: 2911
Liittynyt: 16.09.2009 20:08

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 13.12.2015 13:00

Arvuutellaan hieman Grebennikovin löytämää mysteerihyönteistä. Aloitetaan poissulkemalla ampiaiset, mehiläiset, kimalaiset, sudenkorennot ja perhoset seuraavin perustein.

Grebennikovin (1995) mukaan hyönteisellä on peitinsiivet ja hän havaitsi niitä vain hämärän tullen tai yöllä (käännös on tulkinnallinen).

Peitinsiipiä (elytra) tavataan monilla hyönteisillä, kuten kovakuoriaisilla (Coleoptera) ja nivelkärsäisillä (Hemiptera). Peitinsiivet suojaavat niiden alla olevia lenninsiipiä ja ne ovat kilpimäisiä ja kovia. Peitinsiivet rakentuvat kitiinistä.

Kitiini on pitkäketjuinen sokeripolymeeri, joka muodostaa beetalevyjä.

How and why did I come to this discovery?

In the summer of 1988, as I was examining under a microscope the chitin shells of insects, their pinnate (feathery) feelers, and the thinnest structure of butterflies' wings, I got interested in an amazingly rhythmical microstructure of one large insect detail.

It was an extremely well-ordered composition, as though pressed on a complex machine according to special blueprints and calculations. As I saw it, the intricate sponginess was clearly not necessary either for the durability of the detail, or for its decoration. I had never observed anything like this unusual micro-ornament either in nature, in technology, or in art.

Because its structure is three-dimensional, so far I have been unable to capture it in a drawing, or a photograph. Why does an insect need it? Besides, other than in flight, this structure at the bottom of the wing case is always hidden from the eye-no one would ever see it properly. Was it perhaps the wave beacon with "my" multiple cavernous structures effect? That truly lucky summer there were very many insects of this species, and I would capture them at night: neither before, nor after was I able to observe these insects.

I put the small, concave chitin plate on the microscope shelf in order again to examine under strong magnification its strangely star-shaped cells. I again admired this masterpiece of nature, and almost purposelessly placed it on top of another, identical plate that had the same unusual cells on one of its sides.

But no! The detail broke loose from my tweezers; for a few seconds it hung suspended above the other plate on the microscope shelf, turned a few degrees clockwise, slid to the right, turned counter clockwise, swung, and only then abruptly fell on the desk.

You can imagine what I felt at that moment... When I came to my senses, I tied a few panels with a wire-it wasn't an easy thing to do, and I only succeeded when I positioned them vertically. What I got was a multi-layered chitin block. I put it on the desk.

Even a relatively large object-such as a paper tack-could not fall on it-something pushed it up and aside. When I attached the tack on top of the "block", I witnessed such incredible, impossible things (for example, the tack for a few moments was lost from sight) that I realized it was no beacon, but something else entirely.

And again I got so excited that all the objects around me became foggy and shaky. It was with a huge effort that I managed to pull myself together in a couple of hours and continue working.

So, this is how it started. Of course, much still remains to be understood, verified, and tested. I will certainly tell my readers about the finer details of my machine, about its propulsion principles, about distances, heights, speeds, equipment, and all the rest-but in my next book.

Viktor Grebennikov (1927-2001) siirtyi tuonpuoleiseen ennen kuin ehti julkaista lupaamansa tiedot.


Paper Combs --- Cut apart 6 sheets of office paper lengthwise and fold each of them like a bellows, so that you get 10 edges and 20 planes on each. Squeeze the bellows so that the sheets are square now, rather than rectangular and glue them on top of one another, turning each consecutive sheet horizontally 30 degrees clockwise against the bottom one.


Then glue together (preferably out of dark paper) a conical, multi-layered "flower" with a few dozen petals and fluff up the petals. Test the emanators by holding your palm above the "flower" and underneath the suspended bellows. Place the bellows and the flower above the head of a sitting person and record his/her sensations.

Kun taittelin aikoinaan tavallisen A4 ruutupaperin haitarille neliön muotoon, huomasin V-urien muodostavan noin 45° kulmia. Lasketaan vielä varmuuden vuoksi.

A4 paperi on 297 x 210 mm. Kun A4:n pituuden jakaa 20 sivun kesken (katso kuva), yhden sivun mitaksi saa 14.85 mm (kolmion sivut). Kun paperin muotoilee neliöksi, taitosten väliin jää 21 mm ilmatila (kolmion kanta).

Tasasivuinen kolmio, jonka kanta on 21 mm ja sivut 14.85 mm, muodostaa kaksi 45.003° kulmaa.
Kenties Grebennikov piilotti salaisuuden kaikkien nähtäville.

Triangle Calculator


Grebennikov, Viktor S. 1995. My World.
Rex Research.

Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 13.12.2015 19:04


Look at these pictures. This is my rather simple device in assembly. A flexible cable inside the steering column transmits the movement from the left handle to the gravitational louvers. I lift off or land by joining or parting these "wing cases".

Once I lost the left handle in a free-falling descent and would have been in a better world if the platform hadn't dug out a rather deep well in the tillage, first a vertical one, then horizontal, facing away from the sun. Thus I not only survived, but I also felt almost no impact, just darkness. I extracted myself and my fairly badly damaged device from this well, although not without effort, because the "well" had no slag heaps! I had to use all my ingenuity to disguise it. If it were seen from the road, it would have caused much speculation and may even have led some over-zealous investigators to the culprit. Similar wells, also with the side-tunnel and without slag heaps, were suddenly formed on October 24, 1989 in the fields of Khvorostyansk District of Samara Region. Komsomolskaya Pravda [magazine] described it in detail on December 6. of the same year and it seems that I am not alone.

I am quite likely "inventing a bicycle". Well, actually the top part of my device looks very much like one. The right handle is used for horizontal motion, also achieved via a cable, regulating the incline of both groups of the "wing case" blinds. I never fly faster than 25 km/min and I prefer to go ten times slower. I don't know whether I have persuaded you, my reader, that similar devices will soon be available to practically everyone, while the living nature, without which humans cannot survive, won't be available to anyone if we don't save it and preserve it.

Identified Flying Objects --- I was surprised a long time ago in a remote Caucasus village that people would walk about and through dense forests in the mountains at night, with lit cigarettes in their mouths and waving hands. The light from the buts would light up for a second, then disappear behind their bodies or trees flickering in the distance. It had turned out that these were actually local fireflies, Luciola mingrelica. The light of these flies twinkles in this manner. Meanwhile, UFO reports and letters from my readers speak of dark flying saucers, which turn out to be either flocks of birds, or compact swarms of insects. I myself have seen not only "columns" of insects in Siberia but, also "balls" of them, 3 to 4 meters in diameter. In some cases they were some mosquito-like fliers, in others the winged ants of the Mirmica genus. Such swarm could be taken by an ignorant person for a huge, round plasmoid from afar.


Luciola -suvun tulikärpäset ovat kovakuoriaisia (Coleoptera).

Magical Long-Exposure Firefly Photos Go Viral ... al-spread/


Värikuva on Grebennikovin ensimmäistä ja vaarallista lentoa (17. maaliskuuta 1990) edeltävältä ajalta. Kun kuvaa vertaa 1992 helmikuussa otettuun kuvaan, voi huomata jotain eroja. Punaisen nuolen osoittama ”nuppi” puuttuu aikaisemmin otetusta kuvasta.
Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 15.12.2015 18:00

Inspiroivia tutkimuspolkuja!

Negative electricity

This energy can be utilized by devices designed to convert electricity to light, heat, or mechanical work or anything else for which normal electricity is used. The properties of this energy, although superficially resembling the 120 VRMS 60 HZ power we normally use, are unique and sufficiently different from conventional electricity, so that it should be classified as an entirely new energy form. It will require careful extended study by a wide range of people in order to document its properties in the manner scientists have done with conventional electricity. Tom Bearden refers to this energy as negative energy, and he states that negative time must be utilized. In negative time according to Bearden, gravity is a repulsive force.

Walt Rosenthal 1993. Floyd Sweet’s VTA unit.

Negative energy is fully capable of lighting incandescent lights, running motors, and performing all of the functions of positive energy tested to date. When run in parallel with positive energy however, cancellation (annihilation) of opposing power types occurs. This has been fully tested in the laboratory.

Floyd Sweet 1988. NOTHING IS SOMETHING: The Theory and Operation of a Phase-Conjugated Vacuum Triode.
Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 16.12.2015 12:52

Arpan Saha. 2010. Dirac’s Positron. (Engineering Physics with Nanoscience, IIT Bombay) ... n-28575409

Partially negative energy systems are known to produce antigravity.


Shinichi Seike. 1987. Transistorized g-power generator.

This energy is available and could become a clean energy source and be potentially more available than Nuclear Fusion. It has been, however, difficult to convert it into electric power because it is in a state of negative energy.

One is reminded that in Paul A.M. Dirac's Theory of Particles and Anti-Particles, there are 4 states of entity:

1) Occupied state of positive energy (e.g. electrons and other particles),
2) Unoccupied state of positive energy (e.g. holes as treated in semiconductor physics),
3) Occupied state of negative energy (e.g. holes of positrons in an 'anti-word' if it is present in a remote area of the universe),
4) Unoccupied state of negative energy (e.g. positrons).

States 2) and 3) are in a negative energy state, while states 1) and 4) are considered to be in a positive state.


It is necessary to convert the g strain energy into usable power using holes as in 2) above. From this, g strain energy is composed of holes, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. One difference is that the hole in a semiconductor has positive charge while that of g strain energy does not although both are in a negative energy state.

Cross correlation indicates particles and anti-particles while the relation between 1) and 2) shows the inverse relation, from which it follows that the electromagnetic field of holes can be called 'Inverse Electromagnetic Field' and that of positrons 'Anti-Electromagnetic Field'. We should recall that an anti-particle of a photon is identical to itself and, therefore, quanta of inverse electromagnetic field and anti-electromagnetic field are both photons.

A closed amplifier (transistorized coil) can be designed to absorb the g strain energy. As is known, the p type of semiconductor carries holes (unoccupied state of electrons). In order to absorb the g strain energy, such material is required. Though a semiconductor coil is desirable, it is difficult to obtain. Hence, a transistorized coil is selected since either silicon or germanium may be used as transistors.

We shall next proceed to Nuclear Electric Resonance (NER) in order to obtain sufficient negative energy.

Electrons are in a positive energy state even when their polar angular momentum is in lower half [of the 6-component total angular momentum space: 3 angular, 3 polar], namely, when a physical system is in negative energy state. This is a paradox. Electromagnetic fields should also be in a negative state, for which the inverse electromagnetic field of holes should be applied to NER. Hence, this paradox can be eliminated. This is a reason why we can obtain inverse electromagnetic field with a transistorized coil.

An example of NER can be realized by multi turns of a transistorized coil of torus shape. Physicists have intuitively felt that g strain energy would not be easily obtained, since it is frozen onto the background spacetime. This has, indeed, been true if one uses an ordinary copper coil. However, the use of a transistorized coil makes possible the acquisition of that same energy.

As is well known, the Biefeld-Brown effect occurs as dielectrics are repelled from the earth if the upper electrode of a capacitor is positively charged, while attracted if it is negatively charged.

This phenomenon is considered for Earth of positive energy to repell dielectrics of partially negative energy.

In the former case, a vertical positive static electric field makes the polar momentum of dielectrics precede in the lower half of the total momentum apace, in which it exhibits a partially negative energy State.

In the latter case, it has stronger positive energy state than the polar momentum of dielectrics does in upper half apace. This behaviour belongs to NER, but with an ordinary electromagnetic field. Hence, a high potential of 50 kV DC or greater is required. This high potential can only decrease one percent of the capacitor's dielectric weight. If one wishes to anihilate the total weight of the dielectric, about 500 kV of potential must be supplied. Lower potential would be sufficient if 'holes' electromagnetic field, namely, inverse electromagnetic field is used in NER.

Back to energy alternatives to petroleum. With NER of the semiconductor coil we can obtain countless amounts of g strain energy distributed throughout space, where and when it is required, beyond the limits of sources of supply and transportation requirements. This energy is quite different from ordinary electrical power because it is negative. It will have a low temperature, since the thermal energy of negative energy can be computed to be: kT < 0, where k and T denote the Boltzmann constant and the Kelvin temperature, respectively. The transistorized coil would scarcely emit heat when a large "hole" current flows; it is quite clean.
Yet, a magnetic field can be generated, since a "hole" is also charged.

Only the conversion apparati are required. These apparati belong to the space age. Space is, as it were, the mother of entity because all the particles are born out of it in recourse to the pair production law, of Dirac. All nations, either with or without petroleum and nuclear material, can prosper eternally.

R. Schaffranke. 1987. The development of post-relativistic concepts in physics and advanced technology abroad.

My esteemed friend, Prof. Seike, who kept me informed about the research conducted by him and his co-workers, surprised me once with a significant statement, which I feel is important to repeat for the benefit of frustrated researchers on this side of the Pacific: "In the early stage of my studies, physicists could not understand what I was doing, while actors and actresses did so by intuition". It was the private support of about 800 individual artists, etc. in Japan which allowed Seike to work, experiment and publish his findings, and not the support of the Japanese equivalent of a National Science Foundation or a similar bureaucratic institution in that country.

Planetary Association for Clean Energy. First International Symposium: on Non-Conventional Energy Technology (1987).
Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50

Re: Usvan salaisuus ja muita mysteerejä

ViestiKirjoittaja Ville » 17.12.2015 11:12

Aamukahvit Diracin seurassa

Viestit: 927
Liittynyt: 03.09.2012 20:50


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